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THE ARM ACADEMY  Pitching Program

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about the program

The Arm Academy 20 Week Pitching Program

The Arm Academy 20 Week Pitching Program is designed to enhance  pitchers' skills by establishing new throwing routines and introduce appropriate strength and speed exercises during each two-hour session, throughout the fall.


Enrollment Options:


1X Per Week (20 Two-Hour Sessions): 

As little as $99.9 per 2 Hour Session


Enrollment options require the full 20-week commitment. 


Looking for more information?  

Text TAA to 631-237-8150 to schedule a call to learn more.

  • 1x Week - High School

    Every 10 weeks
    Payment 1 due at signup: $999 Payment 2 due 10 weeks after signup: $999
    Valid for 20 weeks
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